Mayur Lamp Decorated
India being a spiritual land has a rich heritage of Hindu religious philosophy and mythology. It believes in the concept of ‘Omnipresent Devine '.Our spiritual practices are aimed at invoking the Devine by lighting lamps (Diya), offering flowers and other such divine activities on all auspicious occasions. Hindus start their daily worship, all auspicious functions, and festivals, religious and social, with the lighting of the lamp.
It is customary in every Indian household to light the deepam (lamp) twice, morning and evening before the deity.
Shatrubuddhivinashay deep jyotinamastute !!
The lamp has a special significance in Sanatam Hindu dharma. It is a symbol of Tej (fire glory). The lamp is lighted in our prayer room, before the deity every morning before starting the Puja.
“TamsoMaaJyotirgamay” a Sanskrit verse, explains the importance of lighting the lamp. It says that igniting the lamp light leads us from darkness towards light. It is a signatory of invoking the blessings of fire God Sun. It burns to give the message of peace and light to man. All auspicious functions, religious as well as social, start with the lighting of the lamp as it is instrumental in invoking gods for peace and grace.
Significance of lighting Diya (Deepam):-
a- Diya lighting custom has deep intellectual and spiritual significance. This customary practice signifies the submission of one's ego and soul in front of the supreme power.
b- Diya oil represents the negative elements of (jealousy, greed, hatred, anger, and lust) that encapsulate the soul. These materialistic entanglements of the soul need to be burnt out to cleanse and purify the soul refining it for submission in front of the supreme power of God.
c- Deepam Light is equated with knowledge. Diya or lamp signifies removal of ignorance through lighting the fire of knowledge. By lighting a Diya of light and knowledge, the darkness of ignorance is dispelled. We bow to spiritual powers which demand to dispel of ego, self and materialistic desires for acquiring spiritual success.
Significance of Mayur (peacock shaped) and Mayur shaped Diya
Mayur (peacock) is considered a divine bird in Hindu religion.
It is closely associated with Lord Krishna as his divine Sakha. Lord Krishna is always depicted in pictures, folk and religious lore’s and scriptures as wearing the Morpankh(peacock feathers)on his forehead as Peacock is considered as very innocent and pure soul, deprived of kalyugi attributes of Kama( lust), Moh ( attachment )and Maya ( earthy entanglements) and kroddha( anger).
-Peacock is also identified with Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth and fortune and wife of Lord Vishnu, in his avatar of Lord Krishna always wore peacock feathers on his crown.
- Peacock is also revered for its association with Kartik (Lord Shiva and Parvati’s elder son). as his Vahan (mode of conveyance.)
So, a peacock is also considered as a safeguarding bird for protection and divine strength.
Peacock feathers are regarded as auspicious in Hinduism because of their association with Lord Krishna. It is believed that keeping peacock feathers at home bring good luck and prosperity.
Worshipping our Gods with lighting Diya in peacock feather shaped brass Diya bring peace, harmony, joy to our life and attracts blissful and auspiciousness vibes associated with divine bird Peacock in our homes and environment. This Diya safeguards and instills positive energy in the environment as the presence of Mayur, pleases lord Vishnu - the preserver God of Hindus.