Sri Radha Krishna Puja Kit
Cost - Rs- 21,000 + 2,520 (12% GST)
-For success and growth in career, education and business.
-For confidence, self worth, personality and charisma.
-For good health and spirituality.
-Peace of mind and protection.
The Vedic literature (vedshastra) mention of ‘Nauda Bhakti’- (9 method of expressing through speech, worship and behavior). They are:-
1- (Katha)- Narrating God stories.
2- (Sravana)- Hearing of God Leelas- events of God childhood.
3- (Kietan)- singing religious songs.
4- (Smarana)- remembering god.
5- (Padaseva)- serving the lotus feet of god.
6- (Archna)- worshipping.
7- (Vandana)- Praying.
8- (Dasya)-servitude.
9- (Sakhya Atmanivedan)- surrender.
(Procedure of worshipping god through worship and service to him):-
Arrange the items in such a way that you can easily reach them without touching offered to un-offered items.
1. A small bell on a plate
2. A panca patra containing fresh water and a spoon
3. A water with a cover and a spout, filled with water
4. A visarjaniya patra(throw out pot)
5. Gopi Chandan mixed with lemon juice.
6. Taila (fragrant oil)
7. A water conch on a stand
8. A snana patra (bathing receptacle)
9. A receptacle for caranamrta
10. Clothing and oins
11. Ornaments and blutack
12. Sandalwood paste
13. Flowers and flowers garlands
14. Tulsi leaves
15. Padya patra, argya patra, acaman patra madhu parka patra
16. 2 incense stick and 2 ghee or camphor lamps
17. Naivedyam (food)
18. Puja manual.
:- Outside the deity room perform ‘ACAMANA’ and offer obeisance to your lord and the deity. In the deity room, clear the area where you will do the worship and place an asana on the floor. Then sit down on your asana ready to perform the worship.
After Aachman purify yourself by sprinkling water mixed with Gangajal and Gulabjal (Rose water) and chant Aasan and body purification Mantra.
“ Om-apavitrah-pavitro-va- sarvaang-vastham-gatospvee-va
“divyad vrndaranya kalpa drumadhah
Srimad ratnagara simhasana sthau
Sri sri radha srila govinda devau
Presthalibhiha sevyamanau smarami”
Translation;- “ In a temple of jewels in Vrnadavana, underneath a desire tree, Sri sri Radha Govinda, served by Their most confidential associates, sit upon an effulgent throne. I meditate upon them.”
Sewa begins early in the morning.
‘ganga cha Yamuna chaiva Godavari saraswati
Narmade sindhu kaveri jalesmin sannidhim kuru snanam’
Translation – “ May water from the holy rivers ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmade Sindhu and kaveri kindly be present”
1. Cleaning
Clean the deity before his bath (murti suddhi) being careful to not touch the Lord directly with the left hand by covering him with a soft cloth or towel.
2. Water For Bathing
1. Devotees should lovingly bathe Radha Krishna with scented pure water mixed with rose water and tulsi leaves or Yamuna river water. Lukewarm water should be used during winters just as we use to bathe small children.
Mantra chant “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’ while bathing the radha Krishna.
3. Panchamarita snan
On special day of festivals you may bathe the Lordship with PANCAMRTA. As you pour one after another, in this order, milk, yogurt, ghee, honey, and sugar, water, chant the following mantras:
With Milk
-Chant “idam ksira snaniyam” and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah”
With Yogurt (Dahi)
-Chant “idam dadhi snaniyam” and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah”
With Ghee
-Chant “idam ghrta snaniyam and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’”
With Honey
-Chant “idam madhu snaniyam and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah”
With Sugar
-Chant “idam sita snaniyam and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’
Accept and distribute the charnamrat Prasadam (Panchamrit used for bathing God and Goddess).
4. Bathing and drying the lord
Bathe the Lordship by pouring water from conch while chanting srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’ and other appropriate prayers. Fill the conch at least three times:
Mantra Chant ‘Idam snaniyam” and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah”.
5. Mouth Cleaning
Offer a twig for brushing the Lordship teeth.
Mantra Chant “esa danta kasthah and srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’.
6. Hand , Face Cleaning
Offer water for washing the Lordship hand and face.
Mantra Chant “idam hasta mukha praksalanam” and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’”.
7. Washing Feet
Offer water for washing the Lordship lotus feet.
Mantra Chant “ etat padyam and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah”.
8. Oil Massage
Massage the Lordship with fragrant oil while holding him in a cloth in your left hand.
Mantra Chant “Idam sugandha tailam” and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’.
9. Asana
After bathing offer asana and
chant “Idam Asanam” & “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah”.
Then wipe the lordship with a separate clean soft cloth or towel and apply wet sandalwood paste on him and aromatic oils made of floral essence ‘Ita’.
Mantra Chant :-
Chant “ esa gandha” and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’.
A. Clothing
Radha Krishna is adorned with new clothes or Offer clothing to Lordship.
Mantra Chant:-
“Idam vastram and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’
B. Ornaments
Dress your lordship with beautiful ornaments like glittering necklace, armless, rings, headwear (decorated mukut), anklet(Payal) and Peacock feather ‘morpankh’.
Mantra Chant:-
“Imani abharanani and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’
C. Tilak
For Lord Krishna
Wet Sandalwood paste tilak is applied along with Roli, and U shaped bindi (Narayana Tilak) is applied on forehead to be fixed with a wax glue
Mantra chant:-
“idam tilakam and Klim krsnaya namah nad paitn on the tilak.
Mantra Chant:-
“idam tilakam and “Hare krishna Hare Krishna , Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare and paint on tilak.
For Radharani
Mantra Chant :- “idam kunkumam” and mark Srimati radharani’s forehead with kumkum.
D. Puspa and Tulsi (Offering Flowers and tulsi to Lordship)
Offer fragrant flowers or flower petals dipped in chanda to their Lordships lotus feet while ringing a bell. You may offer additional flowers for decoration at his time.
Mantra Chant-
“etani puspani and srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’and offer fragrant flowers.
Mantra Chant:-
Tulsi Stuti Mantra-
Tulsi plucking Mantra-
“etani tulasi patrani and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’.
Offer tulsi leaves and manjaris with chandan to Krsna’s lotus feet and place a tulsi leaf In Radha’s right hand, for her to offer to Krishna..
Offering oneself to the Lord (atma samarpana).
After Aachman purify yourself by sprinkling water mixed with Gangajal and Gulabjal (Rose water) and chant Aasan and body purification Mantra.
“ Om-apavitrah-pavitro-va- sarvaang-vastham-gatospvee-va
1. Purifying the hands (kara suddhi)
Wash your hands with water from the water pot and clean them by smearing them lightly with chandan.
2. Purifying the Flowers (puspa suddhi)
Chant “Om astray phat” and sprinkle the flowers with samanaya arghya water.
3. Purifying Oneself by Sprinkling water (amta suddhi)
By sprinkle yourself lightly with samanaya arghya water.
4. Worshipping the Lord’s Bell (ganta puja)
While offering the bell a flower petal dipped in chandana,
Mantra Chant;
“sarva vadya mayi ghante deva devasya vallabhe
Tvam vina naiva sarvesam subham bhavati sobhane”
Translation: - “ O Beautiful bell so dear to Sri Krishna , the God of gods, you embody the sweet sound of all music. Without you there is no auspiciousness for anyone”
5. Worshipping the Lord’ bathing Conch (sankha puja)
While offering flowers and chandan to the Lord’s bathing conch
Mantra chant;
“ate gandha puspe/ om hum hum hum namah maha sankhaya svaha”
Offer yourself to the lord while reciting this verse:-
Sloka- 1
“samsara sagaran natha putra mitra grhanganat
Goptarau me yuvam eva prapanna bhaya bhanjanau”
Translation:- “ O Radha Krishna, you are my protectors from the ocean of material existence, which is filled with sons, friends, household, and land. Therefore you are known as the destroyers of fear for those surrendered unto you”.
Sloka 2 :-
“ yo’ ham mamasti yat kincid iha loke paratra ca
Tat sarvam bhavato ‘dyaiva caranesu samarpitam”
Translation:- “ O your Lordships, myself and whatever little bit is mine in this world and in the next—all this I now offer unto your lotus feet”.
Sloka 3:-
“ tavasmi radhika-natha karmana manasa gira
Krsna kante tavaivasmi yuvam eva mama
Saranam vam prapanno ‘smi karuna nikarakarau
Prasadam kuru dasyam bho mayi duste ‘paradhini”
Translation:- “ I am yours, O Lord of Srimati Radharani, as are my actions, mind, and words. O srimati Radharani, lover of Sri Krishna, I belong to u alone. O Radha Krishna, O ocean of mercy, you are my only shelter, and thus I take shelter of you. Although I am such a fallen offender, please be merciful to me and make me your servant”
Dhup and Deep
While ringing a bell,offer incense stick ‘dhoop-Agarbatti
Mantra chant “esa dhupah and “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’. And
“esa dipah” and’ srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’ while burn a ghee lamp.
1. Requirements:-
A. a small bell on a plate to offer Prasad.
B. an acamana cup containing fresh water and a spoon
C. some arrangement for the offering plate(s) – preferably low tables
D. A glass for offering water mixed with tulsi leaves to be kept throughout the day.
E. cushions or mats (asanas) for your spiritual master and the deities
F. the food offering (bhoga)
G. a mat (asana) for you to sit on.
2. Bhog Prasad sewa
Offer bhog to Lordship.
2.1. As the deity is ready, Radha Krishna is lovingly offered pure saatvik vegetarian bhog (Food without onion and garlic) in separate clean utensils.
2.2. Lordship is the first member of our house, our principal deity, and our divine caretaker. He has to be appropriately served with complete faith Bhakti , bhaav, devotion, love and total surrender. We have to serve him with best of our potential serving the lordship like a true follower, lover, trustee and soul mate. We must serve our Lordship with complete faith and true love as we serve our children and family member.
2.3. A separate glass of water to be kept throughout the day.
2.4. We must invoke and request God for accepting food with deep love and devotion by ringing a bell as a call to him for food. We must thank him further for accepting our sewa.
2.5. Bhog to be offered 5 times a day
2.6. Prasad to be kept for minimum 15 minutes at least in front of God as much the time taken by a child to finish the food.
2.7. Temple must be covered with curtain while the God is believed having food (Bhog Prasad )
2.8. Bhog offer Prasad chanting :-
While offering the bhoga (Food) chant the following:-
Chanting Mantras:-
1-“ idam naivedyam & ” “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’
2- “idam anna-vyanjana-paniyadikam sarvam” and ““srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’” for breakfast, noon and evening offerings
3- “ idam mistanna paniyadikam sarvam” for mangala, fruit and sweet offerings.
A. Clean the table and offering place. Bring Bhog plate (food) and put tulsi leaves on the bhoga (food) on each plate.
B. Purify the foodstuff from contamination that may have entered during preparation by placing some drops of arghya jal over plate and chant ‘Om astray phat’.
C. Offer ‘ACHMANA’ for rinsing the lord’s mouth by clean water and is offered by spoon from a bowl. It consists of water with ground cloves added. The spoon should be held before the mouth of the lord for offering water to the lord for rinsing his mouth. Discard water into a throw out pot. This is done 3 times chanting:-
“idam acamaniyam’ & chant “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’
D. While offering the bhoga chant the following
“idam naivedyam & ‘srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah’’.
E. As the deity is ready, Radha Krishna is lovingly offered pure saatvik vegetarian ‘Bhog (food offering without onion and garlic) in separate clean utensils in a similar way as we serve our children and loving ones. He is the first member of house, our principal deity, and our divine caretaker. He has to be appropriately served with complete Bhakti, bhaav, devotion love and total surrender. We have to serve him with the best of our potential serving the lord like a true follower, lover, trustee and soul mate.
F. A separate glass of water to be kept throughout the day.
G. Food to be served with full faith, devotion and love. We must invoke and request God for accepting food with deep love and devotion. We must thank him further for accepting our Sewa.
H. Prasad to be kept for minimum 15 minutes at least in front of god as much the time taken by a child to finish the food. Temple must be covered with curtain while the god is believed having food (Bhog Prasadam).
1. Bhog prasadam (Food) offering timings :-
1. Breakfast- To be served at 8 am after bathing God.
-glass of milk with tulsi leaves.
-Any fruit and cereal like roti,bread,puri,paratha etc.
-Makhan- mishri ‘bhog is the favorite food of lord. His makhan chor leela (Butter stealing Leela) Often lovingly mentioned in narratives by seers and poets, this leela was a source of mixed emotions of divine love, happiness, joy and anxiety by entire Brij Dham (area of Mathura and Vrindavan). A positively accepted, naughty childhood gesture of Krishna stealing butter from Gopies and Gopies longing for his presence in their houses for stealing butter has been referred as a source of immense joy for the keenly watching entire divinity.
2. Mid day Bhog- Any fruit, snack or cereals as per wish.
3. Lunch- Full meal of serving everything cooked at home. Vegetable, curd, dal, roti etc along with a serving of sweet dish.
There are devotees who offer ‘chappan bhog (56 types of food items).
4. Evening Bhog and Arti- around sunset we must do Radha Krishna Arti and offer bhog (Prasad) of some light snack like fruits, sweets or biscuit etc after lighting evening diya of Ghee or oil.
5. Dinner- Time between (8-8.40 p.m) we must offer a proper bhog Prasad of pure saatvik vegetarian food without (onion, garlic) to god. Cooked vegetable or dal, with roti, rice etc as in whatever cooked and served with love and devotion.
6. After Bhog Sewe
a. Clap your hand three times and offer the following items while ringing the bell.
b. Chant ‘’Idam gandusam’’ and ‘’Klim Krsnaya namah’’ and offer water for rinsing the mouth.
c. Chant ‘‘Idam hasta mukha praksalanam” and ‘‘Klim Krsnaya namah’’ and offer water for washing the lord’s hand and face.
d. Chant “etat padyam” and ‘Klim Krshnaya namah’ and offer water for washing the lord’s lotus feet.
e. Chant ‘’Idam anga vastram” and “Klim Krsnaya namah” and offer a cloth for drying the lord’s face, hand, and feet.
f. Chant “Idam acamaniyam” and “Klim Krsnaya namah’’ and offer water for sipping.
g. Chant ‘’Idam sarvam” and ‘‘Klim Krsnaya namah’’ and offer flowers to the lord;s lotus feet. These flowers represent whatever else might be pleasing to him.
Putting the deity to sleeping
Around (9 to 9.30 p.m) we should prepare for Sri radha Krishan bed by cleaning it up. Bed sheet is smeared with perfume ‘itra’ and fresh flowers spread around in bed.
Change god clothes into a soft comfortable night dress of pure cotton. Apply wet perfumed Chandan and itr paste Sri Radha Krishna and make him lovingly lie down on bed resting him in side posture.
“ agaccha sayana sthanam/ priyabhih saha kesava
Divya puspatya sayyayam / sukham vihara madhava”
Translation:- “O kesava, along with your beloved Srimati Radharani and her friends, to the bed covered with transcendental, aromatic flowers. Now happily enjoy pastimes, O Madhava.
. “srim klim radha krsnabhyam namah”
Move the shoes and cups pf all the Deities. Turn off lights. Close lock alter door. Chant prayers for obtaining forgiveness.
Asking Forgiveness