Brass Basil Lamp (Tulsi Deep)
India being a spiritual land has a rich heritage of Hindu religious philosophy and mythology. It believes in the concept of ‘Omnipresent Devine '.Our spiritual practices are aimed at invoking the Devine by lighting lamps (Diya), offering flowers and other such divine activities on all auspicious occasions. Hindus start their daily worship all auspicious functions and festivals, religious and social, with the lighting of the lamp.
It is customary in every Indian household to light the deepam(lamp) twice, morning and evening before the deity.
Shatrubuddhivinashay deep jyotinamastute !!
The lamp has a special significance in Sanatam Hindu dharma. It is a symbol of Tej (fire glory). The lamp is lighted in our prayer room, before the deity every morning before starting the Puja.
“TamsoMaaJyotirgamay” a Sanskrit verse, explains the importance of lighting the lamp. It says that igniting the lamp light leads us from darkness towards light. It is a signatory of invoking the blessings of fire God Sun. It burns to give the message of peace and light to man. All auspicious functions, religious as well as social, start with the lighting of the lamp as it is instrumental in invoking gods for peace and grace.
Significance of lighting Diya (Deepam):-
a- Diya lighting custom has deep intellectual and spiritual significance. This customary practice signifies the submission of one's ego and soul in front of the supreme power.
b-Diya oil represents the negative elements of (jealousy, greed, hatred, anger, and lust) that encapsulate the soul. These materialistic entanglements of the soul need to be burnt out to cleanse and purify the soul refining it for submission in front of the supreme power of God.
c-Deepam Light is equated with knowledge. Diya or lamp signifies removal of ignorance through lighting the fire of knowledge. By lighting a Diya of light and knowledge, the darkness of ignorance is dispelled. We bow to spiritual powers which demand to dispel of ego, self and materialistic desires for acquiring spiritual success.
The Legend of Goddess Tulsi from religious scriptures.
The legend of goddess Tulsi from religious scriptures--
‘Tulsi ‘-(holy basil) is considered a very sacred and essential part of Indian ritualistic worship. It is considered as a divine manifestation of lord Vishnu'sbhakt -goddess Tulsi also known as Vrinda. Goddess Tulsi is worshipped as a Devi avatar of Lakshmi, a consort of Lord Vishnu. She is worshipped as a principal goddess of wealth and fortune.
“Devi Bhagwat Purana " mentions of Lakshmi born as Tulsi to father Dharamdhwaj -A lord Shiva bhakta.
Tulsi a Vishnu devotee did penance in Badrinath Dham for achieving Vishnu as her husband. Lord Brahma blessed her with a boon to marry Vishnu, but only after marrying a demon Shankhachuda( also mentioned as Jalandhar- A Shiva offspring born out of his fury as mentioned in some legends ). Shankhachuda was blessed by Brahma with Vishnu kawach ( Vishnu armor) and a blessing that he will draw his strength from the purity and chastity of his wife Tulsi. He shall remain indefatigable till his wife Tulsi was chaste. Shankhachuda or Jalandhar become highly oppressive and recklessly tortured human beings and Devas and demigods. To save this earth of his misdeeds, Lord Vishnu cohabited with Tulsi (Vrinda ) in disguise of her husband Jalandhar, to destroy the protective shield of a chastity of Tulsi around her husband Jalandhar, who was then defeated and later killed by the demigods. Mother earth was thus saved from the onslaught of demon Jalandhar.
Goddess Tulsi was extremely offended by Vishnu’s treachery, which had momentarily maligned her chastity. She cursed him, converting him into a stone known as Shaligram- presently found in river Gandaki(Now in Nepal). She decided to end her life by burning herself. From her ashes grew a divine plant which descended on earth as a sacred tree Tulsi.
Later Lord Vishnu made Tulsi realize that she was an incarnation of his wife Goddess Lakshmi. He requested her to return to their celestial abode Vaikuntha. Lord Vishnu promised Tulsi that he will marry her again and reinstate her respect, purity, and chastity. This explains the much celebrated Vishnu Shaligram-Tulsi celestial marriage (11th day of the bright half of Kartik month in Hindu calendar). Vishnu promises her that he will accept food offerings only if it is offered with Tulsi leaves.
Another legend about Goddess Tulsi connects her appearance on earth with the happiness of Lord Vishnu while sharing the divine nectar Amrita with gods (after Samudra Manthan). Amrita is considered elixir of life, health, and immortality. It is said that happy tears of lord Vishnu fell in Amrita and grew into divine plant Tulsi.